Limitless in its ability to tell a story and powerful as an explanatory device, animation serves as an important communicative tool for brands looking to engage and enthrall audiences. While having a variety of styles to choose from opens a realm of creativity, it can be difficult to know which one will represent your brand the best – in this guide, we’ll help you decide.

Motion graphics

Motion graphics provide movement to graphic design. Due to their polished look and simplicity, motion graphics are great for brands who want to aid audiences in comprehending information full of statistics and facts. The distinction brands should contemplate when weighing up motion graphics against other styles that succeed in delivering technical information (such as 3D) is whether understanding your video relies more upon detailed or abstract visualization. Motion graphics succeeds at the latter – with its sleek and fast-flowing nature, the medium keeps people focused and allows your message to travel swiftly from point to point with visuals that help people grasp every figure, fact and concept.

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Here’s how we used motion graphics to explain HPE’s complex processes.

Hand Drawn

While motion graphics excel in technical explanations that have a crystal-clear, quality feel to them, hand drawn animation is the right choice for brands who want to deliver emotional depth and authenticity. Through symbolism, color and stylization, you can make people feel at ease, bridge connections and instill wonder. If you need to help people understand an emotion, thought or idea, hand drawn animation has unlimited storytelling potential. Anything you can imagine can be brought to life – but with full creativity at your fingertips, it’s important to tailor the animation to match your brand image. Experienced in a range of styles, our talented team here at Synima can help you strike the perfect balance between artistic expression and brand identity.

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We used hand-drawn animation to display the intricacies of anger.

Stop Motion

Sometimes live action footage is a necessary part of your brand video. Whether you’re promoting a physical product or taking people behind the scenes, audiences need to get to know what or who they’re investing in. Stop motion then is an excellent option for brands who want to catch that happy medium between realism and creative playfulness – utilizing a whimsical charm that grabs attention and wows audiences. We’ve previously mixed stop motion with 2D animation for our clients – creating a unique, memorable and dynamic look. With the right eye, mixing two animation styles together can be done with cohesion, helping your brand truly stand out.

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We produced a bespoke stop-motion animation for the World Dental Federation.


For brands who want to create explainer videos that require detailed visualization, 3D is your best bet. Some processes, often in medical or technological fields, are incredibly difficult to follow without an animated replica, so use 3D if you want to solidify your brand as a comprehensive and trusted educational resource. Not just a great tool to convey realism, 3D animation has the ability to generate entire worlds and abstract ideas at a fingertip. This is especially helpful for clients who need to explain unfamiliar concepts in a smooth format which exudes quality of service.

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Check out our 3D animation for Jaggaer.

If you’re looking for a team of dedicated creatives who have experience in a range of animated styles or would like to learn more, feel free to contact us at