Great health and safety protocols that educate employees with precision and detail are vital for fostering a truly supportive work environment. Since employees are more likely to view employers as the ones responsible for ensuring health and safety in the workplace (IPSOS), you need to make sure your guidelines are all-encompassing, a feature that video nails down perfectly.

Whether you choose animation, live action or a combination of both, video provides employee’s training on the job with not only an accessible resource that they can come back to whenever they need a refresh, but a true-to-life simulation that accurately portrays the sorts of situations, equipment and tasks that they’ll be dealing with. While written instructions can cause blocks of information to be misunderstood or missed out altogether, health and safety protocols demonstrated through video are clearly visualized and can be easily updated with just a few edits. Employees are more likely to refer to a visual guide rather than a written one too, where the former can be quickly skimmed through to find the relevant point and endlessly replayed for extra clarity.

health and safety video example

Check out our health and safety animation we produced for Aggreko.

Accessible, clear and visually detailed health and safety videos don’t just help employees when they’re starting out – by introducing quality guidelines, you help to continually reinforce a safer work environment. According to HSE, 77% of employees felt encouraged to raise concerns in a good health and safety climate compared to 20% in a poor one, and understating this statistic is vital in ensuring a safe workplace. When we show employees that we are dedicated towards building and maintaining a safe environment, they’ll be able to come forward with concerns, knowing that they’ll be listened to and addressed. Informative, high-quality health and safety videos are one way to build up that climate and ensure that the effort in maintaining it is a collaborative one.

If you would like to learn more about videos role in ensuring a safe work environment, feel free to contact us at